Aarti Industry Earning concall FY23

Key strengths Key end user Industries Key Customers R&D Expertise Future growth projects Projects timelines Conference call Aarti Industry Fy22-23 Q1 Fy23 Our revenue grew by 45% Y‐o‐Y to INR 2,173 crore. EBITDA stood at INR 369 crore, higher by 18% Y‐o‐Y. Profit after‐tax came in at INR 189 crore, an increase of 15% over last year. Q2FY23 Revenue grew by 29% Y-o-Y to INR 1,847 Cr EBITDA improved by 5% to Rs. 267 crore; EBITDA growth is over 30% Profit after tax stood at Rs. 124 crore Q3FY23 Revenues increased by 12% Y-o-Y to Rs. 1854 crore, with exports contributing over 48% of the total revenues. EBITDA improved by 26% Y-o-Y to Rs 289 crores. Profit after tax stood at Rs 137 crores Reason for revenue sharp jump Q1Fy23: - Revenue trajectory was steered by realization gains as well as the higher volume uptick for certain products. A substantial increase in the revenue was also on account of the robust pricing structure whe...